Sunday, April 17, 2011

Royal Wedding Crafts

Before I can continue with any of this, I just need to ask a very very important question. If anyone is going to the Royal wedding will you please A. Take me with you or B. stand up and object to let Prince William know that I will be there very soon. Since that probably will never happen, here is a list of Royal Wedding related crafts.

Let’s start out with the ever-popular “Knit Your Own Royal Wedding.” It is all the rage among, knitters, dolls enthusiast and the folks who have a vested interest in this matrimony. Who wouldn’t want a miniature knitted William, Kate and the Fam to pass the time or to set up on the balcony to play royal wedding-if you’re into that.

From are the Royal Worcester Royal Wedding Commemorative Tea Cup and Saucer. Teatime will be so much better when you have an exclusive teacup to drink out of.

There is also the ever lovely Prince William and Kate Middleton Commemorative Wedding Tea Towel. Having the transferred images of Will and Kate right there would totally make your teatime experience a little closer to the royal wedding.

From the Domestic Goddesque, there is an adorable how to on “A Right Royal Wedding: how to make your own Will and Kate from Champagne corks” the article is informative and this looks like the cutest addition to any Royal Wedding celebration, or to add to your own Will and Kate collection.


Friday, April 1, 2011


I have a new favorite place. It is the Habitat for Humanity resale shop. This may seem a little odd, and so was my reason for going, we were on the hunt for vintage hinges. Who knew hinges could be such a hot commodity? I sure didn’t but when I was there I noticed a shelf with such beautiful birdhouses on one of the walls, representing all of the housed the organization has built.

So here is the inspiration for this blog, birdhouses.

Birdhouses offer protection for the little winged guys, and they are also something that can add a whimsical touch to any outdoor space. 

What initially got my attention about the Salt Box Primitive Art Birdhouse Country Rustic Songbird Bird House from is the realistic look that it has. I loved how it appeared to be aged and also the framed windows. Also, who can resist a bird sized wreath?  I find myself wanting to live in there myself-only if it was much, much larger. This birdhouse is from Birdhouseaccents, from Connecticut.

After looking for birdhouses I ran across this collection from San Francisco artists Luke Bartels & Jeff Canham on The Curiosity Shoppe, . Needless to say, they are awesome. They combine flair of the whimsical, great craftsmanship and a dry, witty sense of humor for a town of birdhouses. These are basically the coolest birdhouses.

From there is an adorable  “Air Castle Birdhouse Redwood” it is, as the website says “Tall cozy nest box with a spectacular vaulted ceiling.” This unique design makes the birdhouse look different and as pictured they look great in multiples on a fence.

Here is another birdhouse from It is a ceramic birdhouse finished in weathered bronze glaze. What I loved about this was the unique cylindrical design of this and there are other birdhouse styles in this same weathered bronze glaze. It is from cherylwolffgarden.